Friday, November 14, 2008

Reunion update

Hi everyone

Just a quickie to let you know that to date, the following people have confirmed their attendance at the reunion by having paid their R220:

Gina Rodrigues
Delilah Da Mata
Catterina Hasselhorst
Barbara Chochola
Fleur Hirst
Dora Kovaks
Christina Eliakis
Tracey Sevenoaks
Pascale Schroenn
Melina Economou
Grace Viera

Our payment deadline was 15 November (tomorrow) as we were due to meet the caterer to finalise everything on Monday afternoon, but the meeting has been postponed to Wednesday afternoon, so we have scored a bit more time for anyone else still wanting to attend. Please be advised that we need to make all the arrangements in advance as everything needs to be hired in, so unfortunately you won’t be able to just pay on the day. The reunion will go ahead, regardless of how many people we have, but… the more the merrier!

Thank you to everyone that has paid so far! Anyone else still keen to attend, please get your money in by 19 November so we can account for you in the final numbers. If you have paid and your name is not on the list, please mail me & let me know when you made your deposit.

Hope to see you there!
Adios! J
Melina Economou

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