Thursday, November 6, 2008

Robyn Seymour-Smith (now Annandale)

When Karen (Little) appeared on my Face Book page - I was blown away - there are so many names and faces - that over time have faded from my memory! It has really taken me back and I am truly surprised at how many fun memories have come flooding back! I too, was not crazy about school - (I did love the social side though!) Any one remember a group of us bunking out at my place and getting a call from Ms Niemeyer giving us 15 minutes to hottrot it back to school? I was dead keen to get out of those BIG BLACK gates!

Like Karen, I left JGHS at the end of Standard 8, and set off for Joubert Park College. We had quite a bit more freedom - uniforms became a thing of the past - and we were (legally) able to head off, out of campus for our "off periods" (although - I must confess - we also made up quite a few "off periods too!) Six weeks before the FINALS - we had to do an assignment (for Communication & Deportment) - we were told to look for a job in the classifieds, book appointments, go for the interview, and then write a report and discuss with the class the outcome! I went off for an interview at a small travel agency, and just loved it - I was invited back for a second interview with the director and finally offered the job. The only snag - I was to start immediately. What to do?? I started on the Monday! At first I told no one (Especially not my Mom)! I went off to college as normal - only I never got off the bus!! I absolutely loved it! And have truly NEVER looked back!

I met Rob in 1990, we got married in 1994 and moved to Harare - Zimbabwe. Having come from the bustle of Jo'burg, Harare took a bit of adjusting to - but we had a fantastic time and both my girls were born there. Jessica was born in July 1998 and Danielle - 13 months later in August 1999. I continued working in the airline industry and loved it! In 2000, my Mom died quite suddenly and my world just fell apart! I could not bear being so far away from my family. So, in 2001, we packed up and headed back down South! We bought a house in Cape Town, and all was good. I went back to work with my second ever boss - so had all but gone full circle. I was doing business development for them, a travel agency (franchise group). I worked from home - so was able to still be there for the girls. Rob is a pilot - so we had long periods apart - not ideal with 2 little girls. Then - in 2004, Rob was offered a job here in Dubai and once again - I packed up home - and here we are 4 years later - just loving Dubai. I haven't worked here in Dubai (I think about it from time to time - maybe one day!) The girls are in Grade 4 an 5 now - so pretty busy just keeping up with their lives (and hectic their social lives). We get loads of visitors all through the year - so - still get to see every one and we try to get back to cape Town at least once a year too!

We are all going to Cape Town on the 1st of December - so I will try and see if I can change my ticket and perhaps fly via Joburg 2 days earlier.

The reunion sounds like it is gong to be a real blast (from the past).!

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