Monday, April 21, 2008


Hello girls!!!

I am currently on holiday with my family in Zimbali and have not managed to download any emails for a few days but got them all today …..all 80 odd to do with the reunion…… add to the other 300 work related ones! Needless to say I’ve ignored work and immediately set up a folder for all your mails! I have been reading some of the emails and who needs a novel to read on holiday when you have all this catching up to do!!

At fist I started to delete all these strange emails thinking they were junk but Nicole had told me to expect some so when I saw Melina’s name I realized and very quickly retrieved them all!!

If I were a betting women I would have bet that Pascale would be the one getting all this together! You go girl!

I have stayed in touch with Theo ( yes called Soula now and she married so her surname also changed….don’t ask!..... I still call her Theo and some of her friends think I’m mad!). Through Theo I got back in touch with Nicole and through Nicole I got in touch with Pascale and Roxanne. Other than those girls I’m afraid that I have not seen many of the others so you can imagine my excitement when I got all these emails!

Wow 20 yrs! I feel the same not sure about you girls but of course that mirror I look in tells a different story. Anyway, I have had the best life ever since school……never liked school much and frankly was glad when it was over! I married the man of my dreams in 2003 after dating for eight and half years (bad experience before that which made me take my time!) I have 2 beautiful children and a job I love which allows me the privilege of traveling and seeing the world. Yes it can be hectic but nothing good comes without a price tag! …..oh after school I did medical technology at wits qualified did honours only to discover they barely paid you enough to live!!! What a shame was a very interesting field which I enjoyed for 6 years but was glad to give it up to see the world!

I would love to be at the reunion ………can’t seem to find the original email …..where is the venue?……our old school? Haha! We would need armed vehicles its such a rough neighborhood now!

I hate to admit but some of the names are not ringing any bells so I may need some photos to refresh who is who!

(some of the girls I remember other than those I already mentioned are: Tanja; Melina; Bolinka; Mercedes; Felicity; Poppy; Vania; Panny; Yvonne; Andrea; Crystal ( she did Med Tech with me); Jane; Karen; Paula (Theo’s friend…in one of the picks going around…..I recall her Dad sent her and her sisters to Portugal in standard 8 or 9 to get her away from her boyfriend and would you believe 10 yrs later she came back and they got married (I went to their wedding) they married at that big Cathedral in Hillbrow near Ponte if you recall it!); Caterina ( saw her a few times when I worked at the Jhb Gen Hospital)……..sorry that’s it terrible memory!)

Anyway I’ve attached a pic of myself with my hubby Mark and my kids Julian (3yrs) and Bela (1.5yrs) ……..hope to get some from you guys …..I will have a look at the blog ….although I use email everyday for work I am so busy I seldom have time to explore all these things such a facebook and blogging etc so I’m a tad in the dark about them but I guess now I will have to get a grip!

Oh and as busy as I may be pls keep me on the mail list love the stories! Life is too short to allow work to rule your world!

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